


館藏 分類 一覽  共有 148 筆資料

DT0000001功能性電刺激之神經網路控制之研究 / 陸哲駒19991
EB0000001Clinical Question: Can That Respiratory Muscle Training Improve Respiratory Function In A Man With Cervical Spinal Cord Injury? / 嶺榮娟20051
SE0000001高危險早產兒、低危險早產兒、以及足月兒之行走達成年齡與跨步動作之相關性及可能影響因子 / 羅宏基/鄭素芳20051
SE0000002The Roles Of Local Muscles In Lumbopelvic Stability / 韓岳津/詹美華20051
SE0000003Analysis Of Diaphragmatic Motion With Ultrasonography / 嶺榮娟/林光華20051
SE0000004國際功能、障礙與健康分類模式在嬰幼兒動作發展之應用 / 黃靄雯、廖華芳20051
SE0000005The Mechanical Properties Of Skeletal Muscle Architecture / 陳翰裕/詹美華20051
SE0000006Sarcopenia: Current Concepts / 簡盟月/吳英黛20051
SE0000007The Effect Of Electrical Stimulation On Upper Limb Function In Patients With Stroke / 許書旋/胡名霞20051
EB0000002實證物理治療學期末報告 / 許書旋20051
EB0000003跑步機訓練對腦性麻痺兒童步態之療效 / 羅鴻基/胡明霞、鄭素芳、吳英黛、曹昭懿20051
EB0000004實證物理治療學期末報告 / Han, Yueh-chin20051
EB0000005實證物理治療學期末報告 / Meng-yueh Chien20051
EB0000006實證物理治療學期末報告 / 黃靄雯20051
EB0000007實證物理治療學期末報告 / 陳翰裕/胡明霞、曹昭懿、鄭素芳、吳英黛20051
NI0000001高危險群嬰幼兒之到宅服務策略 / 黃靄雯/鄭素芳20051
NI0000002Neurobiology, Assessment, And Intervention Effect Of Feeding In Preterm Infants / 羅鴻基/鄭素芳20051
NI0000003簡單懸吊玩具模式於訓練早產兒的早期踢腳運動之應用 / 吳晏慈/鄭素芳20051
SE0000008Endothelial Dysfunction In Postmenopausal Women / 簡辰霖20061
SE0000009Taiwanese Infants' Mental And Motor Development: 6 To 24 Months / 吳晏慈20061
SE0000010Control And Characteristics Of 180 Turning In Young And Older Adults / 陳儀20061
SE0000011Vitamin D Deficiency And Musculoskeletal System / 李瑋君20061
SE0000012足底筋膜炎之讀後心得 / 戴瑞敏20061
SE0000013Validity, Reproducibility, And Clinical Significance Of Noninvasive Brachial-ankle Pulse Wave Velocity Measurement / 蔡忠憲/鄭素芳20061
SE0000014Quadriceps Femoris Electromyogram During Concentric, Isometric And Eccentric Phases Of Fatiguing Dynamic Knee Extensions / 吳堉光/鄭素芳20061
SE0000015特定任務訓練合併軀幹限制對中風病患上肢恢復之療效:臨床隨機試驗(task-specific Training With Trunk Retraint On Arm Recovery In Stroke: Randomized Control Trial)讀後心得 / 林書如20061
SE0000016An Intensive Massed Practice Approach To Retraining Balance Post-stroke.讀後心得 / 蕭淳仁/鄭素芳20061
SE0000017Coupled Bilateral Movement And Active Neuromuscular Stimulation: Intralimb Transfer Evidence During Bimanual Aiming讀後心得 / 林盈蕙/鄭素芳20061
SE0000018Impairments, Disabilities And Health Related Quality Of Life After Treatment For Breast Cancer: A Follow-up Study 2.7 Years After Surgery讀後心得 / 洪秀娟/鄭素芳20061
SE0000019The Roll Of Hip Muscle Function In The Treatment Of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome讀後心得 / 吳珮琪20061

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